Engaging Your Clients

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23.10.22 05:08 AM Comment(s)

How to Gain Interaction, Feedback, and Involvement from Your Clientele

By Brionna Tillman

Engaging customers is an essential skill for gaining lifelong clients, inciting involvement of new business ideas or campaigns, and getting valuable feedback on your current business operations. 

Social media is a fantastic method to engage your customers or clients. Social media platforms allow you to communicate directly with your followers or prospective customers in real-time. Start with how you plan to initiate that communication to build the interaction and involvement you need for your business to be successful. Social media is just one way you can utilize marketing content, phone calls, emails, and others ways that best fit your style.

Once you've decided on a platform or medium to establish client/customer relations, you can utilize some of the following approaches to gain feedback, involvement, and interaction.

Collect Data

Collecting data is likely to be considered the fastest and most straightforward way to get to know and engage your customers. Most large companies use resources such as surveys and questionnaires to gather data about their customer's concerns and desires routinely. If you offer products or services, create a brief survey to collect customers' opinions or thoughts on how that service or product was. You could use a questionnaire to find out information about your prospective clients that would be beneficial to your marketing strategies. 

Reward Engagement

You took time to apply new approaches to get your customers to respond; therefore, being responsive and helpful to your customers boosts their confidence in your business and creates brand recognition. Start rewarding your outspoken customers for their engagement. Loyalty programs, discounts, and gifts are great ways to reward your clients and customers.

Share Reviews

Sharing reviews from previous and current clients or customers is a wonderful way to gain customer interaction and feedback. Customers can relate to shared experiences and encourage prospective new clients and customers. Reviews are also perfect and gaining feedback as customers can highlight what they thought was an exceptional service or product or what had room for improvement. 

Build A Community and Co-create

I highly encourage this approach for small businesses and solopreneurs. Build a community (online or in person) centered on your product or services. Invite customers and interested parties to join in for discussions and forums. The community creates a space for your customers to share their thoughts or opinions naturally. It is also a great way to network. You may become inspired or find opportunities to co-create with your clients. 

Contact us today for more tips on engaging your customers or schedule a call about one of our many services or programs for small businesses.

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