Manage the Holidays Like a Time Management Whiz!

Help On Deck
16.11.21 05:17 PM Comment(s)

Effectively Manage Your Time During the Holiday Season

By Lynette Newman

We all know that the holidays can be overwhelming, but understanding how to manage your time wisely can help thwart unnecessary stress.

So, how can you manage your time and find a healthy balance between doing everything you'd like to do without it affecting your emotional well-being?

First, plan, plan, plan!

Getting and staying organized is vital for your time management during the holidays. Coordinate ahead of time. Seems obvious, right? But it's not always that straightforward. We all know that the holidays can bring stress, madness, and monetary challenges, yet so many of us continually find ourselves waiting till the last minute to take care of everything.

The key to any time management is planning, and the holidays are no exception. Write it down! Notes in your phone, use a time management app, write engagements on a whiteboard on the fridge, anything it takes. Don't set goals that may be impossible to meet. When you're actually able to see everything you have to do in writing, including errands, doctor's appointments, work deadlines, and social commitments, you'll be mentally prepared ahead of time. You'll also be more apt to get everything done on time. Take a few minutes every night to look over your schedule and be ready for a productive morning!

Next, It's ok to say "NO!"

The holidays are demanding for everyone, and to be the best version of yourself, you need to set limits for both you and your family. Don't ever feel bad for saying no. Sometimes saying no is the healthiest thing that we can do. Set boundaries, and don't let anyone guilt you into doing more than you can manage. Remember that it doesn't have to be November or December that you visit your family or friends. Plan something in January or February when things have calmed down.

Finally, celebrate your wins!

Don't forget about your daily wins, no matter how small. Give yourself some reassurance for the coming day by reflecting on and celebrating the day's accomplishments at work and at home. Small wins give us the power to reach further and try to achieve more. Relish the victory of completing tasks on your list; it will boost your level of joy. If you come across a small win, tell someone about it. Find a way to express your small success and tell it to someone else. Honor your small victories with a reward. This encourages you to maintain focus and keep winning. A simple reward can be watching your favorite TV show, eating your favorite meal, some ice cream, or chocolate. Whatever it is, take the time to revel in the rewards of your hard work!

Time management throughout the holidays can be overwhelming and stressful, but it doesn't have to be. Plan ahead, get organized, stay organized, celebrate the wins – no matter how small, and don't forget that you have the power to say "No!"

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