Help On Deck: A Work and Life in Balance

Help On Deck
13.09.21 01:00 PM Comment(s)

A Tip for Creating the Ideal Work/Life Balance

By Brionna Tillman

Help On Deck or HOD is a business that offers virtual administrative assistance to entrepreneurs, solopreneurs, and management teams. It was founded by Tasha Wilmore, a veteran with a rewarding professional career of over 20 years in various industries. Motivated as a mother and spouse, she started her own business in which she could create her ideal work-life balance while also offering solutions to others in similar situations. What began as a purposeful ideal 6 years ago became a company other entrepreneurs can rely on to grow their business and have time to show up for the people in their lives. 


Like most people, our daily lives can be very hectic.  We may have multiple roles to fulfill each day (spouse, entrepreneur, parent, friend, etc.) that can overwhelm us. It should be no surprise that many Americans struggle with stress. Stress weakens our immune system, reduces our 

productivity, and can be a detriment to our relationships. It makes little difference if you are employed in the corporate world or in business for yourself. Maintaining the balance between your professional role and your personal role is very important to be successful.

Tip #1 Get Support

We think of work-life balance as an equilibrium between your personal life and professional career. Did you notice our logo? There are two arms firmly grasped in a universal sign of agreement, like a handshake. It is a symbol of two people helping one another for the mutual benefit of both. This comes to our first tip to creating the ideal work/life balance, Get Support. 

As simple as it sounds, this tip is helpful in more ways than one. What makes this tip vital is its versatility. Support can come from the people around you, like chatting with family, teammates, or friends. The people you choose to support you are in the trenches with you, offering mental and emotional stability in a time where an aspect of your life becomes overwhelming. It could also come from your community, like your local church or education system. Did you know that you could also get support from apps on your phone? Apps like Calm, Headspace, and TheMighty are easily accessible, free to download, and offer support in a wide range of services designed to help you in stressful times. 

People who maintain a strong support system experience fewer adverse effects of stress. We encourage you to get support whenever you feel like your work-life balance has shifted. It not only improves your stress response but also can improve your health too!

Not sure what kind of support will work best for you, don’t worry! “Helping others is what we love and do!” Send us a text or book a call with us to have your work-life balance questions answered today! Our team at Help On Deck can help you create your ideal work-life balance.

Help On Deck